
Below is a list of talks available as an mp3. If you wish to listen to one of these please contact us giving the date, name of talk and speaker of the download you require and we will forward it to you as soon as possible.


January–March 2024

7 January 2024
Looking ahead
Sammy Ju
Joshua 3:13 – 4:7

14 January 2024
Journeying together – 1
Sammy Ju
Ephesians 3:1-21

21 January 2024
Global mission
Esther Stansfield
Luke 4:16-20, John 20:21

28 January 2024
Journeying together – 2
Sammy Ju
John 17:20-26

4 February 2024
Journeying together – 3
Chris Spracklen
Romans 14:1-13, 19

11 February 2024
Celebrating christian festivals – Lent
Stephen Derges
Matthew 7:21-29

18 February 2024
Journeying together – 4
Lin Burgess
Acts 6:1-7; Matthew 18:19-20

25 February 2024
Journeying together – 5
Sammy Ju
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Galatians 6:2

3 March 2024
Journeying together – 6
Andy Flanagan
John 5:16-21

10 March 2024
Journeying together – 7
Ros Derges
Luke 1:39-55

24 March 2024
Journeying together – 8
Sammy Ju
Mark 11:1-11; Luke 9:57-62

31 March 2024
Finding hope in hopeless circumstances
Sammy Ju
1 Peter 1:3-12


January–March 2023

1 January 2023
Starting and finishing well
Stephen Derges
Philippians 1:1-11

8 January 2023
The fruit of the Spirit – 1
An overview
Rosalyn Derges
Galatians 5:13-26

15 January 2023
The fruit of the Spirit – 2
Stephen Derges
1 John 4:7-21

22 January 2023
The fruit of the Spirit – 3
Andy Mulcock
John 15:9-12, Philippians 3:1-6, 1 Peter 1:8-9

29 January 2023
The fruit of the Spirit – 4
Lin Burgess
John 14:23-27, Philippians4:4-9

5 February 2023
The fruit of the Spirit – 5
Stephen Derges
Romans 12:9-21

12 February 2023
The fruit of the Spirit – 6
Goodness and kindness
Sammy Ju
Genesis 50:15-21

19 February 2023
The fruit of the Spirit – 7
Sammy Ju
Exodus 34:1-9

26 February 2023
The fruit of the Spirit – 8
Will Jago
John 8:1-11

5 March 2023
The fruit of the Spirit – 9
Self control
Rose Miles
Galatians 5:16-26

12 March 2023
Local to global mission
Interview with
Carl Brettle
Neighbourhood Prayer Network

19 March 2023
The fruit of the Spirit – 10
Lessons learned
Stephen Derges
Galatians 5:16-25

26 March 2023
What is truth?
Dick Chammings
Mark 12:13-17, John 14:1-6

April–June 2023

2 April 2023
Who is this?
Sammy Ju
Matthew 21:1-11

9 April 2023
The most important day
Stephen Derges
Luke 24:1-12

16 April 2023
Keeping in step with the
Holy Spirit
1 Introduction
John Allan
1 Corinthians 9:24 – 10:10

23 April 2023
Keeping in step with the
Holy Spirit
2 Prayer
Sammy Ju

30 April 2023
Keeping in step with the
Holy Spirit
3 Together in prayer
Stephen Derges
Acts 12:1-7

14 May 2023
Keeping in step with the
Holy Spirit
4 Waiting and fasting
Chris Spracklen
Psalm 130; Matthew 6:5-8

28 May 2023
Keeping in step with the
Holy Spirit
5 Serving one another together
Sammy Ju
Acts 2:42-47

4 June 2023
Keeping in step with the
Holy Spirit
6 Silence is golden!
Lin Burgess
Matthew 26:36-46

11 June 2023
Keeping in step with the
Holy Spirit
7 Time is in our hands!
Matt and Amy Summerfield

18 June 2023
Keeping in step with the
Holy Spirit
8 Living generously
Stephen Derges
2 Corinthians 9:1-15

July–September 2023

2 July 2023
Keeping in step with the
Holy Spirit
9 Transformed for life
Ros Derges
Romans 12:1-18

9 July 2023
Keeping in step with the
Holy Spirit
10 A culture of truth and integrity
Stephen Derges
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

16 July 2023
Keeping in step with the
Holy Spirit
11 Memorizing the Word of God
Dick Chammings

30 July 2023
1 Living for Christ
Sammy Ju
Philippians 1:1-26

27 August 2023
2 Conclusion
Sammy Ju
Philippians 4:10-20

3 September 20
Keeping in step with the Holy Spirit
12 The importance of friendships
Phil Knox
John 15:5-17

10 September 2023
Keeping in step with the Holy Spirit
13 Making disciples
John Allan
1 Thessalonians 2:1-14

24 September 2023
Sammy Ju
Galatians 6:7-10

October–December 2023

1 October 2023
Keeping in step with the Holy Spirit
14 Resting in Jesus
Ian Coffey
Philippians 4:4-20

8 October 2023
At the edges
Grace and Festo Kanungha
Philippians 3:4-14

15 October 2023
Keeping in step with the Holy Spirit
15 Confession
Sammy Ju
John 13:1-17

22 October 2023
Sammy Ju
Jeremiah 29:1-14

29 October 2023
Being a witness of Jesus
Sarah Hornblower
Acts 4:5-13

5 November 2023
CCW Vision Update

12 November 2023
Keeping in step with the Holy Spirit
16 Remembrance
Sammy Ju
Hebrews 10:19-25

19 November 2023
Keeping in step with the Holy Spirit
17 Humility
Paul Friend
Ephesians 5:13-26

26 November 2023
Keeping in step with the Holy Spirit
18 Worship
Chris Spracklen
John 16:12-15, Ephesians 3:14-19

3 December 2023
Advent 1 – Peace
Sammy Ju
Isaiah 9:1-7, Romans 5:1-11

17 December 2023
Advent 2 – Hope
Sammy Ju
Psalm 130:1-8

25 December 2023
Advent 3 – Joy
Sammy Ju
Luke 2:8-11

31 December 2023
Looking back
Sammy Ju
Psalm 103:1-22


January–March 2022

2 January 2022
Looking back – looking forward
Stephen Derges and guests

9 January 2022
Identity and destiny
Stephen Derges
1 Peter 2:4-5,9-10

16 January 2022
In Christ
John Allan
Galatians 3:23 – 4:7

23 January 2022
All in
Sammy Ju
Luke 14:25-33

30 January 2022
An interview with Jane Walker of the Purple Community Fund
Stephen Derges
Acts 1:6-8, Psalm 140:12

6 February 2022
Called, chosen and commissioned 1: Journeying with Jesus
Ros Derges
John 15:5-17

13 February 2022
Called, chosen and commissioned 2: To live life to the full
Will Jago
John 10:1-11

20 February 2022
Called, chosen and commissioned 3: Spiritual disciplines
Dick Chammings
Titus 2:11-14, Colossians 3:5-11

6 March 2022
The ‘Why?’ series: 1 – Why God?
Ruth Flanagan
Psalm 8:1-9

13 March 2022
The ‘Why?’ series: 2 – Why me?
Sammy Ju
Ephesians 1:1-14

20 March 2022
The ‘Why?’ series: 3 – Why pray?
Ian Coffey
Luke 11:1-13; 18:1-8

27 March 2022
The ‘Why?’ series: 4 – Why church?
Stephen Derges
Hebrews 10:19-25


April–June 2022

3 April 2022
Seeking, serving, sharing:
1 – Seeking
Stephen Derges
Matthew 6:25-34

10 April 2022
Seeking, serving, sharing:
2 – Serving
Sammy Ju
Philemon 1-25

17 April 2022
Why the resurrection is true
Stephen Derges
Mark 16:1-7

24 April 2022
Spheres of influence
Matt Summerfield
2 Timothy 2:1-6,; Genesis 1:11-12, 24-28

1 May 2022
Seeking, serving, sharing:
3 – Serving
Stephen Derges
Joshua 24:1, 14-25

7 May 2022
Phil Knox weekend:
1 – An authentic hope
Phil Knox
2 Corinthians 4

8 May 2022
Phil Knox weekend:
2 – Fixing our eyes on the eternal
Phil Knox
2 Corinthians 4

15 May 2022
Seeking, serving, sharing:
4 – Serving
Stephen Derges
Romans 12:1-13

29 May 2022
Seeking, serving, sharing:
5 – Sharing
Sammy Ju
Romans 5:1-11

5 June 2022
The power of Pentecost
Stephen Derges
Acts 2:1-21, 37-41

12 June 2022
The kingdom of God
John Allan
Mark 4:21-33

19 June 2022
Seeking, serving, sharing:
6 – Sharing
Stephen Derges
Romans 10:1-14

26 June 2022
The book of Ephesians: 1
Stephen Derges
Ephesians 1:1-14


July–September 2022

3 July 2022
The book of Ephesians: 2
Rose Miles
Ephesians 1:15-23

10 July 2022
The book of Ephesians: 3
Dick Chammings
Ephesians 2:1-13

17 July 2022
The book of Ephesians: 4
Stephen Derges
Ephesians 2:4-10

24 July 2022
The book of Ephesians: 5
Will Jago
Ephesians 4:1-6

31 July 2022
The book of Ephesians: 6
Ros Derges
Ephesians 3:1-21

14 August 2022
The book of Ephesians: 7
Sammy Ju
Ephesians 5:1-17

21 August 2022
The book of Ephesians: 8
Lin Burgess
Ephesians 5:18 – 6:4

28 August 2022
The book of Ephesians: 9
Stephen Derges
Ephesians 6:5-9

4 September 2022
The book of Ephesians: 10
Chris Spracklen
Ephesians 6:10-20
The first few minutes of this talk are missing due to technical issues on the day.

16 September 2022
Whole Life Worship
Session 1: Friday evening
Ken Benjamin
London Institute of Contemporary Christianity
Romans 12:1-2

17 September 2022
Whole Life Worship
Session 2: Saturday morning
Ken Benjamin
London Institute of Contemporary Christianity
Hebrews 10:24-25

17 September 2022
Whole Life Worship
Session 3: Saturday evening
Ken Benjamin
London Institute of Contemporary Christianity
Matthew 28:16-20

18 September 2022
Whole Life Worship
Session 4: Sunday morning
Ken Benjamin
London Institute of Contemporary Christianity
Colossians 3:17, 23; Ephesians 6:7

October–December 2022

2 October 2022
Firm foundations
Grace Kanungha
Matthew 7:24-29; Colossians 1:15-23

9 October 2022
Making disciples – 1
Sammy Ju
2 Timothy 1:1-14

16 October 2022
The compassion of God and update on the Swahiba Youth Network
Peter Abungu
Luke 10:25-37

23 October 2022
Making disciples – 2
Chris Spracklen
2 Timothy 1:6-14

30 October 2022
Making disciples – 3
Sammy Ju
2 Timothy 2:1-13

6 November 2022
Making disciples – 4
Stephen Derges
Ephesians 2:4-18; 4:7-16

13 November 2022
Developing spiritual maturity
Andy Mulcock
Philippians 3:10-21

20 November 2022
Making disciples – 5
Stephen Derges
1 Peter 2:2-10

27 November 2022
Advent – 1
The worship of the angels
Sammy Ju
Luke 2:8-20

4 December 2022
Advent – 2
The worship of the shepherds
Stephen Derges
Luke 2:8-20

25 December 2022
A message for Christmas Day
Stephen Derges


January–March 2021

3 January 2021
The Apostle’s Creed 1: We believe in God the Father…
Sammy Ju
Matthew 6:9-13

10 January 2021
The Apostle’s Creed 2: We believe in Jesus Christ…
Stephen Derges
Philippians 2:1-13

17 January 2021
The Apostle’s Creed 3: We believe in the resurrection…
Helen Morris
1 Corinthians 15:1-19

24 January 2021
The Apostle’s Creed 4: We believe in the universal church…
Revd Bill Lemmey
Acts 11:19-27, Ephesians 3:14-21

31 January 2021
The Apostle’s Creed 5: We believe in the ascension and the return of Jesus…
Dick Chammings
Acts 1:1-11

14 February 2021
The Apostle’s Creed 6: We believe in the Holy Spirit…
Andy Mulcock
John 16:5-16, 20:19-23

21 February 2021
The Apostle’s Creed 7: We believe in the forgiveness of sins…
Ros Derges
Psalm103:11-14, Romans 8:1-4

7 March 2021
God’s mission
Jack Saunders

14 March 2021
The Church scattered 1: the book of Acts: Introduction
John Allan
Acts 1:1-8

21 March 2021
The Church scattered 2: the book of Acts: The birth of the church
Tim Moyler
Acts 2:1-21, 40-47

28 March 2021
The Church scattered 3: the book of Acts: Waiting
Matt Merriam
Acts 3:6-10, 18-22

April–June 2021

11 April 2021
The Church scattered 4: the book of Acts: The radical resurrection
Lin Burgess
Acts 14:1-14

18 April 2021
The Church scattered 5: the book of Acts: Confrontation
Pete Gilbert
Acts 5:1-11, Matthew 18:15-17

25 April 2021
The Church scattered 6: the book of Acts: Stephen
Paul Morrish
Acts 6:1-5a; 7:51-60
Sorry but this talk is unavailabe as an audio file but a transcript is available.

9 May 2021
The Church scattered 7: the book of Acts: Persecuted and scattered
Kevin Wade
Acts 8:1-8, Romans 9:6-8

16 May 2021
The Church scattered 8: the book of Acts: Saul’s conversion
Chris Spracklen
Acts 9:1-19

23 May 2021
The Church scattered 9: the book of Acts: Expanding horizons
Ann Wheeler
Acts 10:9-35, 44-48

30 May 2021
The Church scattered 10: the book of Acts: Peter in prison
Rose Miles
Acts 12:1-19

20 June 2021
The Church scattered 11: the book of Acts: The radical Word and hostility
Charlie Collins
Acts 14:1-20

27 June 2021
The Church scattered 12: the book of Acts: Lessons from the early church
Stephen Derges
Acts 16:1-10, 16-34

July–September 2021

21 July 2021
The Church scattered 13: the book of Acts: Paul’s second missionary journey
Sammy Ju
Acts 17-18

8 August 2021
The Church scattered 14: the book of Acts: The plot to kill Paul
Dick Chammings
Acts 23

15 August 2021
The Church scattered 15: the book of Acts: Paul’s trials
John Allan
Acts 24–26
Sorry but this talk is unavailable as an audio file due to an unforseen technical problem.

22 August 2021
The Church scattered 16: the book of Acts: The storm
Sammy Ju
Acts 27–28

29 August 2021
The Church scattered 17: the book of Acts: Paul in Rome
Mick Cox
Acts 28:11-31

12 August 2021
‘One Another’ 1: How we ought to love one another
Stephen Derges
1 John 4:7-12

19 August 2021
‘One Another’ 2: How we ought to devote ourselves to one another
Sammy Ju
Romans 12:9-13

26 August 2021
‘One Another’ 3: How we ought to serve one another
Lin Burgess
Galatians 5:13-15; John 13:12-17

October–December 2021

10 October 2021
‘One Another’ 4: An attitude of humility
Andy Mulcock
Philippians 2:1-11

17 October 2021
‘One Another’ 5: Clothed in humility
Chris Spracklen
1 Peter 5:5-6; Matthew 11:28-30; Philippians 2:5-9

24 October 2021
‘One Another’ 6: Submitting to one another
Paul Friend
Ephesians 5:15-21

31 October 2021
‘One Another’ 7: Keeping the unity
Matt Summerfield
Romans 12:10-13, 15:7

7 November 2021
‘One Another’ 8: Love one another
Emma Worrall
John 13:34-35

14 November 2021
‘One Another’ 9: Without grumbling…
Ian Coffey
Exodus 16:1-12

21 November 2021
‘One Another’ 10: Seek the good
Anne Wheeler (talk given by Mike Wheeler)
1 Thessalonians 5:12-28

28 November 2021
‘One Another’ 11: Bearing with and forgiving
Stephen Derges
Colossians 3:12-17

5 December 2021
Living in the gap: Part 1
Charlie Collins
Matthew 1:1-6a, 12-22

19 December 2021
Living in the gap: Part 2
Paul Friend
John 14:1-6


January–March 2020

5 January 2020
Joel: 1 – When all is stripped away
John Allan
Joel 1:1-12

12 January 2020
Joel: 2 – How to lament
Matt Merriam
Joel 1:13-20

19 January 2020
Joel: 3 – Responding to God
Paul Friend
Joel 2:1-17

26 January 2020
Joel: 4 – Hope
David Coffey
Joel 2:18-27

9 February 2020
Joel: 5 – Spirit
Graham Thomson
Joel 2:28-32

Friday 14 February 2020
Feeding our souls – in prayer
Sarah Yardley
Ephesians 3:14-21

Saturday 15 February 2020
Feeding our souls – in the Word
Sarah Yardley
Matthew 6:25-33, Jeremiah 9:23-24, Revelation 21:1-5

Sunday 16 February 2020
Feeding our souls – in community
Sarah Yardley
Luke 10:25-37

23 February 2020
Joel: 6 – Justice
Ann Wheeler
Joel 3:1-21
Sorry this talk is not available

1 March 2020
Christians are people who should celebrate!
Chris Spracklen
Romans 16:1-10

8 March 2020
Spiritual rhythms: 1 The Sabbath
Matt Merriam
Hebrews 4:1-11

15 March 2020
Spiritual rhythms: 2 Quiet times
Dick Chammings
Psalm 77:1-20

22 March 2020
Spiritual rhythms: 3 Hearing God’s voice
Paul Friend
Mark 1:35-39

29 March 2020
Spiritual rhythms: 4 Worshipping together
Rose Miles
Romans 12:1-8

April–June 2020

5 April 2020
Palm Sunday – Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem
Rhys McGauley and Tim Lister
Luke 19:28-40

12 April 2020
Easter Sunday – Easter conversations
Matt Merriam and friends
John 20:19-29

19 April 2020
Spiritual rhythms: 5 Sharing communion
Stephen Derges
Matthew 26: 26-30, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

26 April 2020
Spiritual rhythms: 6 Accountability
Andy Mulcock
Romans 12:1-2, 2 Corinthians 3:15-18

10 May 2020
Spiritual rhythms: 7 Encouragement
Lin Burgess
1 Thessalonians 5:11-14

17 May 2020
Spiritual rhythms: 8 Small group discipleship
Matt Merriam
Philippians 2:1-13

24 May 2020
Spiritual rhythms: 9 Prayer and discernment
Paul Friend
Romans 8:34, Luke 22:31-32, James 5:16

31 May 2020
Spiritual rhythms: 10 Sharing our faith through deeds
Dave Vinall
Matthew 5:14-16

7 June 2020
Who God is
Pete Gilbert

14 June 2020
Spiritual rhythms: 11 Sharing our faith through words
Tim Moyler
1 Peter 3:8-9, 13-15

21 June 2020
Spiritual rhythms: 12 Mission in small groups
Matt Merriam
John 14:5-14

July–September 2020

5 July 2020
True freedom
Phil Knox
Romans 10:9-13

12 July 2020
The armour of God: 1 Spiritual beings
Matt Merriam
Ephesians 6:10-18

19 July 2020
The armour of God: 2 The belt of truth
Kevin Wade
Acts 17:10-12

26 July 2020
The armour of God: 3 The breastplate of righteousness
Stephen Derges
2 Peter 1:3-11

2 August 2020
The armour of God: 4 The shoes of peace
Charlie Collins
Ephesians 2:11-18

9 August 2020
The armour of God: 5 The shield of faith
Sammy Ju
Ephesians 6:16

16 August 2020
The armour of God: 6 The helmet of salvation
Ros Derges
Philippians 4:6-8, 1 Corinthians 2:15-16

23 August 2020
The armour of God: 7 The sword of the Spirit
Henry Fulls
Psalm 119:105-112; Ephesians 6:11-13,17

30 August 2020
The armour of God: 8 Praying in the Spirit
Paul Friend
Ephesians 6:18; Romans 8:26

6 September 2020
Who are you and why are you here?
Matt Summerfield

13 September 2020
Encountering God: 1 Is it what we seek?
Matt Merriam
Psalm 27:4-8

20 September 2020
Encountering God: 2 Leaves us humble
Tim Askew
Isaiah 6:1-8

27 September 2020
Encountering God: 3 Is intimate
Tim Moyler
1 Kings 19:11-18

October-December 2020

4 October 2020
Jesus calms the storm
Jo Squires
Luke 8:22-25

11 October 2020
Encountering God: 4 We are seen and we are known
Paul Friend
John 4

18 October 2020
Encountering God: 5 Hearts burning within us
Chris Spracklen
Luke 24:13-35

25 October 2020
Encountering God: 6 In prayer
Ian Coffey
Acts 4:1-7

1 November 2020
Step out and step up
Gavin Calver
1 Samuel 14:6-14

8 November 2020
Encountering God: 7 Through a life turned around
Ann Wheeler
Acts 9:1-31

15 November 2020
Encountering God: 8 In the least of these
Ruth Flannagan
Matthew 25:31-46

22 November 2020
Paul Friend
Titus 3:4-7, Ephesians 4:32

29 November 2020
God with us: 1 brings us joy
Paul Friend
Sorry this talk is not available

13 December 2020
God with us: 2 brings us joy
Charlie Collins
John 15:1-12

20 December 2020
God with us: 3 brings us peace
Matt Merriam
Luke 1:67-80

27 December 2020
Loving as Jesus loves
Stephen Derges
1 Corinthians 13:4-8, 13


January–March 2019

6 January 2019
Discipleship:1 Through obedience – sorting out sin
John Allan
Romans 6:1-14

13 January 2019
Discipleship:2 Through obedience – faithfulness
Ann Wheeler
Hosea 2:18-20

20 January 2019
Discipleship:3 Through obedience – forgiveness
David Coffey
Matthew 5:43-48

27 January 2019
Discipleship:4 Through serving – a servant heart
Tim Lister
John 13:1-7

3 February 2019
Home groups at Christ Church
Paul Friend
Acts 2:42-47

10 February 2019
Discipleship:5 Through serving – Characteristics of a servant
Paul Friend
John 13:1-17

17 February 2019
Discipleship:6 Through learning –Being teachable
Dick Chammings
Matthew 11:25-30

24 February 2019
Discipleship:7 Through learning –Life-long learning
Henry Fulls
Mark 12:28-31, Ephesians 3:14-21, Proverbs 4:13

3 March 2019
Life is full of ‘if’
Chris Spracklen
John 10:9-10,14-21

10 March 2019
James – the book exploring discipleship – 1
Paul Friend
James 1:1-8

17 March 2019
James – the book exploring discipleship – 2
Tim Moyler
James 1:19-27

24 March 2019
James – the book exploring discipleship – 3
Andy Mulcock
James 2:1-13

31 March 2019
James – the book exploring discipleship – 4
Stephen Derges
James 2:9-14-26

April–June 2019

14 April 2019
Palm Sunday – meekness or majesty?
Paul Morrish
Matthew 21:1-11

21 April 2019
Easter Sunday – Exchanging gardeners for holy moments
Matt Merriam
John 20:11-18

28 April 2019
James – the book exploring discipleship – 5
Pete Gilbert
James 3:1-18

12 May 2019
James – the book exploring discipleship – 6
Ann Wheeler
James 4:1-17

19 May 2019
James – the book exploring discipleship – 6
Ros Derges
James 5:7-20

26 May 2019
Go and Make disciples – baptising them
Paul Friend
Matthew 28:16-20

2 June 2019
The resources of a disciple 1 – servant or master?
Sammy Ju
Luke 16:1-14

9 June 2019
The resources of a disciple 2 – Need v Want (materialism)
Tim Askew
Hebrews 13:5-6

16 June 2019
The resources of a disciple 3 – Are you worried about money?
Graham Thomson
Matthew 6:19-34

23 June 2019
The resources of a disciple 4 – Investing in the kingdom
Stephen Derges
Malachi 3:7-12

30 June 2019
The resources of a disciple 5 – Eternal rewards
Ros Derges
1 Timothy 6:17-19

July–September 2019

14 July 2019
Whole life discipleship 1 – at home: Marriage
James and Liz Grier
Ephesians 5:21-33, Colossians 3:12-17

21 July 2019
Whole life discipleship 2 – at work: Business
Daryl Fulls and Shaun Fulls
Colossians 3:23-24

28 July 2019
Whole life discipleship 3 – at home: Singleness
Toni Oatway
1 Corinthians 7:7-9, 32-35

4 August 2019
Whole life discipleship 4 – at work: Caring
Karol Chew
Luke 4: 38-44

11 August 2019
Whole life discipleship 5 – at work: The services
Chris Chammings
Matthew 25:31-46

18 August 2019
Whole life discipleship 6 – at work: Retirement
Graham Thomson and Christine Chapman
Psalm 71:14-18

25 August 2019
Whole life discipleship 7 – at work: Creativity
Reuben Moyler
Exodus 31:1-6
Sorry due to a technical fault only the first half of this talk is available

8 September 2019
Whole life discipleship 8 – at university
Jack Fulls, Tom Rockey and Sam Corney
Romans 12:1-3 and Matthew 28:16-20

15 September 2019
Whole life discipleship 9 – at home: Caring for elderly parents
Ros Derges
1 Corinthians 13:1-3

22 September 2019
Whole life discipleship 10 – at home: Losing family members
David Howell
Romans 8:18-28

29 September 2019
Whole life discipleship 11 – at home: Flying the nest
Andy and Karena Mulcock
1 Samuel 1:9-28

October–December 2019

6 October 2019
Whole life discipleship 12 – at home: Parenting
Rob Parsons
Matthew 21:28-31; 1 John 3:1-2

13 October 2019
Whole life discipleship 13 – at home: Divorce
Matt Summerfield
Psalm 23

27 October 2019
How to survive a shipwreck
Matt Merriam

10 November 2019
Paul Friend
1 Samuel 7:2-12

17 November 2019
Whole life discipleship 14 – at work: Teaching
Ruth Flannagan
Daniel 1:1-21

24 November 2019
Jesus calls his first disciples
Rhys McGauley and Emma Corney
Luke 5:1-11

1 December 2019
Please do not disturb
Matt Merriam

8 December 2019
Advent 1 – The miracle of the moment
Sammy Ju
Luke 2:1-20

15 December 2019
Advent 2 – The miracle of the message
Tim Askew
Luke 2:1-20

22 December 2019
Advent 3 – The miracle of the method
Matt Merriam
Matthew 2:13-23

25 December 2019
Advent 4 – The miracles of the manger
Paul Friend
Colossians 1:15-23, Philippians 2:5-11

29 December 2019
Building the house
Stephen Derges
Haggai 1:1-15


January–March 2018

14 January
Living and telling 1 – The journey
Tim Moyler
1 Peter 3:8-15

21 January
Living and telling 2 – God’s story
Dave Pegg
John 14:15-17, 25-27

28 January
The ups and downs of sharing my faith
David Coffey
Acts 8:26-40

11 February
Safe spaces
Daryl Fulls
Matthew 7:7-14

Friday 16 February
Super model
Michael Tiffany
How mission is central to who God is

Saturday 17 February
Role model
Michael Tiffany
How, following God’s example, mission is central to who we are as Christians

Sunday 18 February
Working model
Michael Tiffany
How, following God’s example, mission is central to who we are as church

25 February
Living and telling 3 – Our story
Tim Moyler
Revelation 12:7-11a

11 March
Living and telling 4 – The Holy Spirit and prayer
Tim Moyler
Matthew 6:5-8 and Ephesians 6:18-20

18 March
Living and telling 5 – Spiritual conversations
Tim Moyler
Acts 8: 26-38

25 March
See, your kingdom comes to you
Matt Merriam
Zechariah 9:9-17

April–June 2018

1 April
Who do you say he is?
Paul Friend
Philippians 2:9-11

8 April
Joshua – an introduction
John Allan
Joshua 1:1-9

15 April
Joshua – Do not fear, only be strong and courageous
Pete Gilbert
Joshua 1:1-18

22 April
Joshua – the scarlet rope
Tim Lister
Joshua 2:1-24

29 April
Joshua – Stepping out
Lin Burgess
Joshua 3:1-174

6 May
What would make you happy?
Matt Summerfield
Matthew 5:1-12

13 May
The fall of Jericho
Paul Friend
Joshua 4:4-7, 5:2-3, 10-12 and 5:13 – 6:5

20 May
Pentecost – The Holy Spirit
Andy Mulcock
Acts 2:1-21

27 May
Being obedient to God
Grace Kanunga
Joshua 7:1 – 8:35

3 June
First Sunday testimonies
Psalms 22:22 and 66:16

10 June
Deception and victory
Stephen Derges
Joshua 9:1 – 10:43

17 June
Who is this God?
Ruth Flannagan
Joshua 11:1 – 12:24

24 June
Sam Corney
Joshua 13:1 – 14:15

July–September 2018

1 July
You are
Paul Friend
Psalm 103

8 July
Inheritance for all
Ros Derges
Joshua 16:1 – 19:51

15 July
Designated cities
Matt Merriam
Joshua 20:1 – 21:45

22 July
The eastern tribes return home
Ann Wheeler
Joshua 22:1-34

29 July
Joshua’s farewell and the covenant renewed
Steve Crossthwaite
Joshua 23:1 – 24:24

5 August
Classic hymns of faith – Love divine
Stephen Derges
1 John 4:7-18

12 August
Classic hymns of faith – It is well with my soul
Peter Price
Job 1:21b and 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

19 August
Classic hymns of faith – Guide me,O thou great Jehovah
Henry Fulls
Exodus 13:20-22; 16:1-7a; 17:1-6

26 August
Classic hymns of faith – Blessed assurance
Mick Cox
2 Corinthians 5:1-10

2 September
God’s heart for the poor and suffering – 1
Esther Stansfield
Isaiah 58:1-14

9 September
God’s heart for the poor and suffering – 2
Helen Tribble
Matthew 23:31-46

16 September
God’s heart for the poor and suffering – 3
Jane Walker (from the Purple Community Fund)
James 2:14-17

23 September
God’s heart for the poor and suffering – 4
Elnur Jabijev (from Turkic Belt Ministries)
Sorry this talk is not available

30 September
God’s heart for the poor and suffering – 5
Paul Friend
Galatians 2:1-10

October–December 2018

7 October
God’s heart for the poor and suffering – 6
Hugh Scudder from Christian Response to Eastern Europe (CR2EE)
Sorry this presentation is not available

14 October
Prayer 1 – Pleading
Tim Lister
Nehemiah 1

21 October
Prayer 2 – Create in me
Graham Thomson
Psalm 51

28 October
Prayer 3 – Jesus’ prayer
Matt Merriam
John 17

4 November
Prayer 4 – The knowledge of his will
Kevin Wade
Colossians 1:9-12

11 November
Prayer 5 – Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians
Tim Moyler
Ephesians 3:14-21

18 November
Prayer 6 – Jesus’ prayer on the Mount of Olives
Paul Friend
Luke 22:39-46

25 November
Prayer 7 – Our need to pray
Ros Derges
Ephesians 6:18-20

2 December
The true gift of Christmas
Paul Friend
John 10:9-11

9 December
How they received him:
1 Joseph (the forgotten hero)
Chris Spracklen
Matthew 1:18-25

16 December
How they received him:
2 Herod
Lin Burgess
Matthew 2:1-18

23 December
How they received him:
3 Simeon and Anna
Charlie Collins
Luke 2:22-38

25 December
The birthday present
Paul Friend
Luke 2:1-12

30 December
New beginnings
Stephen Derges
Romans 12:1-21


January–March 2017

1 January
Mick Cox
1 Peter 3:8-16

8 January
1. Covenant prayer
Andy Thomas
Romans 1:1-7

15 January
2. How not to pray
Tim Askew
Various Bible references

22 January
3. Elements of prayer
David Coffey
Genesis 18:16-33

29 January
4. Pattern prayer
Simeon Grimshaw
Matthew 6:5-13

5 February
Kingdom values
1.0 Thankfulness – introduction
Paul Friend
Luke 17:11-19

12 February
Kingdom values
1.1 Thankfulness to the Lord
Dick Chammings
Colossians 1:1-14

19 February
Kingdom values
1.2 Thankfulness for each other
Graham Thomson
John 15:1-17

26 February
Kingdom values
1.3 Thankfulness in tough times
Matt Merriam
Ephesians 5:15-20 and Colossians 3:15-17

5 March
Kingdom values
2.0 Humility – introduction
Tim Askew
Numbers 12:1-9

12 March
Kingdom values
2.1 Humility – vulnerability
Andy Mulcock
2 Timothy 4:6-22

19 March
Kingdom values
2.3 Humility – not so with you
Paul Friend
Matthew 20:20-28

26 March
Kingdom values
2.4 Humility – preferring one another
Ann Wheeler
Philippians 2:1-11

April–June 2017

2 April
Kingdom values
3.0 Compassion (introduction)
Helen Tribble
Luke 10:25-37

9 April
Kingdom values
3.1 Compassion – breaking out of our selfishness
Paul Friend
Matthew 9:35-38, 14:13-21

16 April
Leigh Sliman
Luke 24:1-12

23 April
Kingdom values
3.2 Compassion – for our brothers and sisters
Emma Worrell
Matthew 25:31-40

30 April
Kingdom values
3.3 Compassion – for those around us
Graham Thomson
Luke 10:25-37

7 May
Kingdom values
4.1 Generosity
The children and youth introduced this kingdom value. (There is no download for this week)

14 May
Kingdom values
4.2 Generosity – of spirit
Paul Friend
Luke 8:40-56

21 May
There is no download for this Sunday

28 May
Kingdom values
4.3 Generosity – of our resources
Henry Fulls
2 Corinthians 9:6-15

4 June
Pentecost – happy birthday church!
Paul Friend
Acts 2:1-4, 14-18, 38-47

11 June
Back to Basics
1 Fear God
Stephen Derges
1 John 4:7-19

18 June
Back to Basics
2 Follow Jesus
Chris Spracklen
Matthew 4:18-25 and Mark 8:34-38

25 June
Back to Basics
3 The Holy Spirit
Paul Friend
John 14:25-27 and 16:7-15

July–September 2017

2 July
Back to Basics
4 Fellowship
Graham Thomson
1 John 1:1-7

9 July
5 Communion
Henry Fulls
Mark 14:12-16, 22-26

16 July
6 Prayer
Charlie Collins
Judges 6:6-18

23 July
7 Baptism
Matt Merriam
Acts 2:36-39, Romans 6:1-11

30 July
1 Samuel
1. Hannah versus Eli’s sons
John Allan
1 Samuel 1:1 – 2:36

6 August
1 Samuel
2. Samuel’s call
Ros Derges
1 Samuel 3:1-21

13 August
1 Samuel
3. The Ark
Peter Price
1 Samuel 4:1 – 7:22

20 August
1 Samuel
4. The King
Mick Cox
1 Samuel 8:1 – 11:15

27 August
1 Samuel
5. Samuel’s farewell and Saul’s disobedience
Lin Burgess
1 Samuel 12:1 – 13:22

10 September
1 Samuel
6. Jonathan
Henry Fulls
1 Samuel 14:1-52

17 September
1 Samuel
7. The Lord rejects Saul and David is annointed
Dick Chammings
1 Samuel 15 – 16

24 September
1 Samuel
8. David and Goliath
Paul Friend
1 Samuel 17

October–December 2017

1 October
Free to live life to the full
James Grier
John 8:3-11

8 October
1 Samuel
9. Saul’s jealousy
Chris Spracklen
1 Samuel 18 – 19

15 October
1 Samuel
10. David and Jonathan
Kevin Wade
1 Samuel 20

22 October
1 Samuel
11. David on the run
Harry Burgess
1 Samuel 21-23

29 October
1 Samuel
12. David spares Saul’s life
Graham Thomson
1 Samuel 24-26

5 November
Autumn stories
John 4:39-42
29 October

12 November
1 Samuel
13. Decisions, decisions! David among the Philistines and Saul and the witch
Paul Morrish
1 Samuel 27-28

19 November
1 Samuel
14. The end of Saul
Ann Wheeler
1 Samuel 29-31

26 November
Building on a firm foundation
Andy Mulcock
Matthew 7:24-27

3 December
Advent conspiracy
1 Worship fully
Paul Friend
Luke 1:39-48

10 December
Advent conspiracy
2 Spend less
Paul Friend
Matthew 2:1-8

17 December
Advent conspiracy
3 Give more
Helen Tribble
Luke 2:8-20 and Matthew 1:22-23

24 December
Advent conspiracy
4 Love all including Interview with Peter Ubungu
Paul Friend
Luke 6:27-36

25 December
A gift for God?
Paul Friend

31 December
Moving on
Ros Derges


January–March 2016

To be added

April–June 2016

To be added

July–September 2016

3 July
Evidence for God
with David Shadbolt
Colossians 1:9-10

10 July
More like Jesus – the gospel of John
John 7:1-52
Chris Spracklen

17 July
More likeJesus – the gospel of John
John 8:1-11
Peter Price

24 July
More like Jesus – the gospel of John
John 8:12-59
Tim Askew

31 July
More like Jesus – the gospel of John
John 9:1-41
Graham Thomson

7 August
What is life all about?
Mark 12:28-34
Matt Summerfield

14 August
More like Jesus – the gospel of John
John 10:1-42
Kevin Wade

21 August
More like Jesus – the gospel of John
John 11:1-44
Mick Cox

28 August
More like Jesus – the gospel of John
John 11:45 – 12:11
Ann Wheeler

4 September
Creation, evolution and science
Interview with Prof John Bryant
Job 28:1-12

11 September
More like Jesus – the gospel of John
John 12:12-50
John Allan

18 September
More like Jesus – the gospel of John
John 13:1-38
Dick Chammings

25 September
More like Jesus – the gospel of John
John 14:1-31
Henry Fulls

October–December 2016

9 October
More like Jesus – the gospel of John
John 15:1 – 16:4
Paul Morrish
Watch this video first

16 October
More like Jesus – the gospel of John
John 15:26 – 16:15
Stephen Derges

23 October
More like Jesus – the gospel of John
John 17
Tim Askew

30 October
More like Jesus – the gospel of John
John 18
Richard Coles

6 November
Loving your neighbour
Luke 10:25-42
Paul Friend

13 November
More like Jesus – the gospel of John
John 19
Derek Burnside

20 November
More like Jesus – the gospel of John
John 20
Lin Burgess

27 November
More like Jesus – the gospel of John
John 21
Ros Derges

4 December
Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23
Tim Moyler

11 December
Christmas through Elizabeth’s eyes
Luke 1:39-45, 57-65
Chris Spracklen

18 December
Christmas through Mary’s eyes
Luke 1:26-38
Graham Thomson

25 December
Luke 2:1-14
Charlie Collins


January–March 2015

4 January
The God we wished they knew
Tim Murray
Acts 3:1-10

11 January
Worship God – with all that we are
Tim Askew
Romans 11:33 – 12:2

18 January
Worship God – seven ways to praise
Paul Friend
Deuteronomy 31:19-22; Psalm 63:1-4

25 January
Worship God – in spirit and in truth
Val Thomson
John 4:1-26, Isaiah 55:1-2

1 February
Testimony morning
Tim Murray and friends
John 4:1-9

8 February
Worship God – with responsive hearts
Carolyn Fulls
Psalm 139:1-16, 23-24

15 February
Worship God – in the heart, every day and all the time
Ray Thomas
Romans 12:1-2 (The Message)

22 February
Worship God – and him only
Brad Ringer
Matthew 4:1-11

1 March
Interview with Peter Abungu
Matthew 28:16-20

8 March
Easter through Mark’s eyes – Jesus annopinted at Bethany
John Allan
Mark 14:1-11

15 March
Easter through Mark’s eyes – the last supper
Tim Askew
Mark 14:12-31

22 March
Easter through Mark’s eyes – Gethsemane and Jesus’ arrest
Charlie Collins
Mark 14:32-52

28 March
Easter through Mark’s eyes – Before the Sanhedrin, Peter’s denial and before Pilate
Brad Ringer
Mark 14:53-15:15

April–June 2015

5 April
Easter through Mark’s eyes – Good news – he’s alive!
Chris Spracklen
Mark 16:1-11

12 April
Tough issues – addiction
Pete Gilbert
Galatians 5: 1, 13-14

19 April
Tough issues – Worry and injustice
Graham Thomson
Matthew 6:25-34

26 April
Tough issues – Grief
Lynne Burgess
John 11:30-36

10 May
Peter’s restoration
Graham Thomson
John 21:1-19

17 May
Tough issues – Loneliness
Rebecca Jackson
Romans 8:38-39

24 May
Fruit of the Spirit – introduction
Paul Friend
Acts 2:1-42

31 May
Fruit of the Spirit – Love
Clive Hughes
Galatians 5:13-23

7 June
Fruit of the Spirit – Joy
Tim Murray
1 Peter 1:3-9

14 June
Fruit of the Spirit – Peace
Ann Wheeler
John 14:25-27

21 June
Fruit of the Spirit – Patience
Ruth Flanagan
James 5:7-11

28 June
Fruit of the Spirit – Kindness
Graham Thomson
Luke 10:25-37

July–September 2015

5 July
Fruit of the Spirit – Goodness
Jemma Ponsford
Mark 10:17-22

12 July
Fruit of the Spirit – Faithfulness
Henry Fulls
Matthew 25:14-30

19 July
Fruit of the Spirit – Gentleness
Dick Chammings
Matthew 11:25-30 and Galatians 5:16-26

26 July
Fruit of the Spirit – Self control
Richard Coles
John 8:1-11

2 August
God is with us – three testimonies
Deuteronomy 31:7-8

9 August
Titus chapter 1
Tim Askew
Titus 1

16 August
Titus chapter 2
Peter Price
Titus 2:11-14

23 August
Titus chapter 3
Matt Merriam
Titus 3

30 August
Mick Cox

6 September
For starters
Charlie Collins
Isaiah 40:13-28

13 September
Chief coming dangers
Brad Ringer
2 Peter 3:1-7

20 September
No service due to Woodbury 10k Fun Run

27 September
Ready or not here he comes!
1. Talking about Jesus’ return
Paul Friend
Acts 1:6-11

October–December 2015

11 October
Ready or not here he comes!
2. Stand firm
Andy Mulcock
Matthew 24:1-35

18 October
Ready or not here he comes!
3. Keep watch
Tim Murray
Matthew 24:36-51

25 October
We will be changed
Matt Merriam
1 Corinthians 15:35-58
Only the latter half of this talk is available

1 November
Helen Tribble
Matthew 25:31-46

8 November
Ready or nothere he comes – Daniel’s dream
Paul Morrish
Daniel 7:1-14

15 November
Ready or not here he comes – The throne in heaven
Chris Spracklen
Revelation 4 and 5

22 November
Ready or not here he comes – Judgement and a new heaven and a new earth
Paul Friend
Revelation 20 and 21

29 November
Ready or not here he comes – I am coming soon
Kevin Wade
Revelation 22:6-21

6 December
The nativity – what is it to us?
Derek Burnside

13 December
Angels from the realms of glory
John Allan
Luke 2:8-20

20 December
O come, O come Emmanuel
Charlie Collins

25 December
Christmas Unwrapped
Tim Askew
Micah 5:2; Isaiah 7:14, 9:6; Luke 2:1-21

27 December
Following and reflecting the Son
Mick Cox
Ephesians 5:1-2, 8-16


January–March 2014

5 January
Chris Spracklen
Acts 16:25-34

12 January
What is discipleship? Called by and to Jesus
David Lawrence
Matthew 4:18-22; 28:16-20

19 January
What is discipleship? Being an apprentice
Paul Friend
Acts 18:24-28

26 January
What is discipleship? Through obedience
Richard Coles
John 1:35-42
(Sorry this is a poor quality recording)

2 February
I am a Christian because…
Paul Friend
Hebrews 11:1-3; John 6:67-68

9 February
What is discipleship? Dying to self and taking up our cross
John Allan
Romans 6:1-14

16 February
Education Sunday
The good, the bad and the ugly – being a Christian in school
Molly Seymour and Tom Rocky

21-23 February
David Lawrence

Friday evening talk
Philippians 1:1-10

Saturday morning talk
Philippians 3:1-11

Sunday morning talk
Philippians 4:4-13

2 March
My story
Mark Jones
Titus 3:1-8

9 March
What is discipleship? Submission to others
Dick Chammings
Pilippians 2:1-11

16 March
What is discipleship? Committment to others
Brad Ringer
Genesis 1:26-31

23 March
What is discipleship? Serving
Paul Friend
Romans 12:9-16

30 March
What is discipleship? Honesty and faithfulness
Andy Mulcock
John 21:1-19

April–June 2014

6 April
What does Easter mean to you?
Graham Thomson
Luke 24:13-35

13 April
The triumphant entry
Tim Murray
John 11:38-44; 12:12-19

20 April
The empty tomb
Henry Fulls
John 20:1-23

27 April
Teach us to pray – Our Father
Pete Gilbert
Luke 11:1-4

4 May
Light has come
Paul Friend
John 1:1-13

11 May
Teach us to pray – Your kingdom come
Matt Merriam
Revelation 5:1-10

18 May
Teach us to pray – For the persecuted church
Elnur Jabiyev
John 15:9-25

25 May
Teach us to pray – Forgive us as we forgive others
Richard Coles
Matthew 18:21-35

1 June
Interview with Grace Kanungha
Tim Murray
Romans 10:13-15

8 June
Teach us to pray – to hear his voice
Paul Friend
1 Samuel 3:1-10
First minute of this talk is poor quality due to faulty microphone!

15 June
Teach us to pray – for those who aren’t Christians
Dick Chammings
1 Timothy 2:1-8

22 June
Teach us to pray – for those who are suffering
Graham Thomson
Matthew 8:5-13

29 June
Teach us to pray – for our enemies
Tim Askew
Matthew 5:43-48 and Romans 12:14-21

July–September 2014

6 July
Mark Nicholson (from Zimbabwe) interviewed by Daryl Fulls

13 July
Colossians 1:1-14
Chris Spracklen

20 July
Colossians 1:15-23
John Allan

27 July
Colossians 1:24 – 2:5
Peter Price

3 August
Colossians 2:6-24
Ann Wheeler

10 August
Colossians 3:1-17
Charlie Collins

17 August
Colossians 3:18 – 4:1
Tim Murray

24 August
Colossians 4:2-18
Mick Cox

31 August
Generosity of heart
Paul Friend
Psalm 145:1-21

7 September
Tim and friends
Timothy Murray with Barbara Woolley, Sam Corney and Will Pritchard
Joshua 1:1-19

14 September
Generosity with our time
Richard Coles
2 Corinthians 9:6-15; Acts 6:1-4

21 September
Generosity with our talent
Tim Murray
1 Peter 2:4-12

28 September
Generosity with our welcome
Paul Friend
Deuteronomy 10:14-22

October–December 2014

5 October
Interview with Rebecca Jackson of SWTz
Ephesians 3:14-21

12 October
Generosity with our money
Andy Mulcock
Genesis 12:1-9, 13:7-12

26 October
Where is our treasure?
Paul Friend
Matthew 13:44-46

2 November
Daryl Fulls and friends
Interview with Colin Raffell and Paul White

9 November
Money matters – what about tithing?
Paul Friend
1 Corinthians 16:1; Leviticus 27:30

16 November
Generosity in sharing our faith
Laurence Singlehurst
2 Corinthians 5:14-21

23 November
Money matters – test me in this
Matt Merriam
Daniel 3:16-18

30 November
Money matters – what about debt?
Dick Chammings
Luke 12:13-34

7 December
Bethlehem: pain and promise
Derek Burnside
Matthew 1:1-18

14 December
Christmas songs – Zechariah’s song
Chris Spracklen
Luke 1:67-80

21 December
Christmas songs – Mary’s song
Paul Morrish
Luke 1:46-56

25 December
Christmas songs – the angels’ song
Paul Friend
Luke 2:14

28 December
Topping up the tank
Mick Cox
Galatians 5:16-26


January–March 2013

6 January
Seek first his kingdom
Graham Thomson
Matthew 6:25-34

13 January
The importance of vision
Richard Coles
Nehemiah 1:1-11

20 January
Our vision 1
Paul Friend
Luke 4:14-21; Matthew 28:18-21

27 January
Our vision 2
Paul Friend
John 13:34-35; Romans 12:9-18

3 February
The Great Exchange
Chris Spracklen
Galatians 2:19-21

10 February
Tim Askew
Matthew 3:13-37 and Romans 6:1-4

17 February
Mission possible: unconditional love
Tim Murray
John 4:5-13

24 February
Growing together – in faith
Paul Friend
Matthew 14:13-21

3 March
Philippine Community Fund
Jane Walker (Philippine Community Fund)
James 2:14-20

10 March
Growing together – in committment to one another
Ann Wheeler
Ruth 1:15-18

17 March
Mission possible – knowing your audience
Dick Chammings
Acts 17:16-34

24 March
Sorry this talk is unavailable for download

31 March
New life, new hope
Carolyn Fulls
Hebrews 10:19-23

April–June 2013

7 April
Not conforming to culture
Jack Fulls and Harry Fulls
Romans 12:1-2; Daniel 1:8-14

14 April
Growing together – in what we have
Graham Thomson
Acts 2:42-47

21 April
Mission possible – Holy Spirit empowered
Andy Mulcoch
Ephesians 3:14-21; Acts 1:4-11

28 April
Growing together – in vulnerability and accountability
Paul Friend
Mark 14:32-42

5 May
Who am I? In our community
Matt Merriam
Genesis 1:26-31, 2:15-25

12 May
Who am I? I am a new creation
Graham Thomson
With Neil Westwood, Tom Rocky and Jean Padmore
John 3:1-15

19 May
Who am I? I am a temple
Charlie Collins
1 Corinthians 3:10-17, 6:12-20

26 May
Who am I? I am hidden with Christ in God
Peter Price
Colossians 3:1-3

2 June
Who am I? I am chosen by God, holy and dearly loved
Carolyn Fulls
1 Thessalonians 1:4; Colossians 3:12

9 June
Sorry this talk is unavailable

16 June
Who am I? I am a child of God
Paul Friend
Psalm 139

23 June
Who am I? I am forgiven
Paul Morrish
Luke 15:11-32

30 June
Celebrating Henry and Jenny Fulls service at Christ Church
Derek Burnside
Luke 15:11-32

July–September 2013

7 July
Ray Thomas
John 10:10-11

14 July
Who said the word of God is dead?
Graham Thomson plus others!
2 Timothy 3:14-17 and James 1:22-25

21 July
A journey through Psalms 1
John Allan
Psalm 23

28 July
A journey through Psalms 2
Chris Spracklen
Psalm 42
Sorry this talk is unavailable due to technical reasons

4 August
A journey through Psalms 3
Tim Askew
Psalm 73

11 August
A journey through Psalms 4
Ann Wheeler
Psalm 63

18 August
A journey through Psalms 5
Mick Cox
Psalm 84

25 August
A journey through Psalms 6
Paul Friend
Psalm 95

1 September
God has a plan for our lives
Rowland Clear
Ephesians 3:14-21

8 September
A journey through Psalms 7
Dick Chammings
Psalm 103

15 September
A journey through Psalms 8
John Allan
Psalm 121

29 September
God is good and we’re OK
Clive Hughes
1 Peter 2:4-12

October–December 2013

6 October
Starting the conversation
Paul Friend
1 Peter 3:13-16

13 October
Richard Coles
John 3:1-21

27 October
Paul Friend
John 17:20-26

3 November
John Russell and others
Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-16

10 November
Dick Chammings
Romans 11:33 – 12:2

17 November
Knocking down walls
Matt Merriam
Psalm 88

24 November
Advent conspiracy – worship fully
Chris Spracklen
Matthew 2:1-2, 9-11; Romans 12:1-2

1 December
The timeless story
Carolyn Fulls
Luke 2:8-18; Matthew 2:9-11

8 December
Advent conspiracy – spend less
Andy Thomas
1 Timothy 6:6-10

15 December
Advent conspiracy – give more
Paul Morrish
Matthew 1:20-23; 2:1-2, 9-12; Luke 2:15-18

22 December
Advent conspiracy – Love all
Tim Murray
Matthew 9:18-26

25 December
Christmas Day
Paul Friend
Matthew 2:7-16; Luke 2:21-32

29 December
Graham Thomson
Matthew 6:25-34


January–March 2012

January 1
Another year begins
Ann Wheeler
Ecclesiastes 3:1-15

January 8
How then should we live?
Mike Wheeler
Romans 12:1-8

January 11
Wednesday @ CCW
Jonathan Berry
True Freedom Trust

January 15
What then should we do?
Charlie Collins
Matthew 9:35-38; Colossians 3:12-14

January 22
Who then should we follow?
Carolyn Fulls
John 10:1-5, 20:1-16

January 29
Be Holy
Colossians 3:1-17
Graham Thomson

February 5
Encounters with Jesus
David Shadbolt
John 1:43-51 and Luke 19:1-9

February 10-12
The faithfulness of God
Matt Merriman

Friday evening
God’s promise to be faithful – do we trust that?
Hebrews 6:13-20

Saturday morning
God’s faithful promise of salvation for us
Luke 6:12 – 9:62

Sunday morning
Sorry this talk is unavailable

Daniel’s distinctiveness
Brad Ringer
Jeremiah 29:4-14

February 26
Caleb’s wholeheartedness
Dick Chammings
John 14:6-15

March 4
What is a Christian – really?
John Allan
Luke 9:18-26

March 11
Following in the footsteps of Joseph’s self-control
Richard Coles
Genesis 39:1-23

March 18
Following in the footsteps of Stephen’s passion
Chris Spracklen
Acts 7:48-60

March 25
Following in the footsteps of Ruth’s committment
John Russell
Ruth 1:1-18

April–June 2012

April 1
A moment of grace
Carolyn Fulls
Ephesians 2:1-8; 2 Corinthians

April 8
Who is Jesus to you?
Paul Friend
1 Corinthians 15:3-8

April 15
Following in the footsteps of Nehemiah’s vision
Tim Askew

April 22
The vulnerabilities of living well – our tongue
Mike Wheeler
Proverbs 10:11-21

April 29
The vulnerabilities of living well – our money
Philip Luckham
Proverbs 3:1-18

May 6
The vulnerabilities of living well – our time
Ann Wheeler
Proverbs 31:10-31

May 13
The vulnerabilities of living well – our relationships
John Allan
Proverbs 30:10-23

May 20
Living out faith at work – why work matters
Clive Hughes
Genesis 1: 26-31, Matthew 28:18-20

May 27
Richard Coles

June 3
King-sized or God-sized?
Matt Merriman
Mark 12:35-44

June 10
Fingerprints at work
Carolyn Fulls
Psalm 19

June 17
Faith on the frontline
Derek Burnside
2 Corinthians 2:14-17 and Acts 26:12-32

June 24
Gifts of the Spirit – an introduction
Mick Cox
Ephesians 4:1-16

July–September 2012

July 1
Reheboth – work in Zimbabwe
Mark Nicholson

July 8
Spiritual disciplines: Studying
Phil Luckham
Psalm 119:1-16

July 15
Spiritual disciplines: Praying
Dick Chammings
Psalm 139

July 22
Spiritual disciplines: Stewarding
John Allan
Matthew 25:14-30

July 29
Spiritual disciplines: Hospitality
Graham Thomson
Romans 12:1-13

August 5
Back to basics
Chris Spracklen
Luke 19:1-10

August 12
Spititual disciplines: Fasting
Peter Price
Isaiah 58:4-12

August 19
The other six days…
Charlie Collins
Colossians 4:2-6

August 26
Giving things up
Mick Cox
Colossians 3:1-11

September 2
Our church life
Mick Cox
Colossians 3:12 – 4:6

September 9
How simply can I live?
Richard Coles
Matthew 6:25-34

September 16
Where do I go from here?
Philip Luckham
1 Samuel 24:1-22

September 30
Keeping on believing when I’m beginning to doubt
Tim Murray
Matthew 14:22-36; John 21:15-24

October–December 2012

October 7
Clive Hughes
Colossians 1:9-14

October 14
Keeping on going when things are stacked against me
Mike Wheeler
Matthew 14:22-32

October 21
Keeping on being generous when I’m feeling mean
David Shadbolt
Psalm 51:12; Proverbs 11:25, 22:9; Isaiah 32:5,8

October 28
Bible Sunday
Rev Karen Spray
Psalm 119:129-136

November 4
Faith in action
Ann Wheeler
James 2:14-17

November 11
Keeping on feeling content when I’m feeling ungrateful
Paul Morrish
Philippians 4:2-22

November 18
Keeping on being merciful when I’m feeling selfish
Matt Merriam
John 2:13-25

November 25
Keeping on hoping when I’m feeling despondent
Paul Friend
Exodus 14:13-31

December 2
Special delivery
Carolyn Fulls

9 December
Christmas courage
Paul Friend
Matthew 1:18-25

16 December
Christmas wisdom
Tim Murray
Matthew 2:1-12

23 December
Christmas hope
Chris Spracklen
Luke 1:46-55

25 December
Thoughts on Christmas
Paul Friend

30 December
Looking back and looking forward
Mick Cox
Deuteronomy 34:1-9; Joshua 1:1-11


January–March 2011

January 2
Phil and Dave!
Acts 8:32b-33
Paul Friend

January 9
When temptation strikes!
Luke 4:1-13
Tim Moyler

January 16
Bible Fresh
Psalm 119:97-112
Henry Fulls and Paul Friend

January 23
Time to wise up
Luke 5:1-11 and 27-28
Tim Askew

January 30
This is how to really live
Luke 6:12-26
Philip Luckham

February 6
What’s in a name?
Exodus 3:13-14
Paul Friend

February 13
No, you first…
Luke 6:39-49
David Ley

February 20
How to be 100 times more effective
Luke 8:1-15
Richard Coles

February 27
Recovering our priorities
Luke 9:18-27
Graham Thomson

March 13
Listen – it’s God!
Luke 9:28-45
Paul Friend

March 20
What can I afford?
Luke 9:46-62
Dick Chammings

March 27
Neighbour watch
Luke 10:25-37
Matt Merriam

April–June 2011

April 3
Do you think I can do this?
Hebrews 12:1-13
Carolyn Fulls

April 10
Lord teach me to pray
Luke 11:1-13
John Russell

April 17
Priorities to define our lives by
Luke 12:13-21
Charlie Collins

April 24
We all get it wrong!
John 20:1-10
Paul Friend

May 1
Visit to Mark and Dorcas in Zimbabwe
2 Corinthians 8:9-15
Daryl Fulls with afterword by Henry Fulls

May 8
‘Today’ is the challenge
Luke 14:25-35
Jeremy Jackson

May 15
You can always come home
Luke 15:11-32
Henry Fulls

May 22
Opendoor Sunday
Isaiah 58:1-12
Mick Cox

May 29
Just ‘thank you’
Luke 17:11-19
John Russell

June 5
Hebrews 10:37 – 11:1
Paul Friend

June 12
Don’t go it alone
Acts 2:1-13
Chris Spracklen

June 19
We’ve left everything for you
Luke 18:15-30
Philip Luckham

June 26
The King, the servant and the money
Luke 19:11-27
Paul Morrish

July–September 2011

July 3
Today is a good day!
Isaiah 55:8-13
Carolyn Fulls

July 10
The King is coming
Luke 19:28–40
Clive Hughes

July 17
Hell, judgement and the second coming
Matthew 25:31-46
Jeremy Jackson

July 24
Lord, this belongs to you
Luke 20:20-26
Dick Chammings

July 31
This do in remembrance of me
Luke 22:1-22
Graham Thomson

August 7
Putting God in a box
Psalm 8
Paul Friend

August 14
I never knew him
Luke 22:54-71
Tim Askew

August 21
When the chips are down
Luke 23:13-26
John Russell

August 28
Living in a covenant position
John 16:29 – 17:8
Paul Friend

September 4
A letter to the church
John Allen

September 11
A letter to the church
Job 38:1-30
Richard Coles

September 18
Our church baptises
Romans 6:1-10
Philip Luckham

October–December 2011

October 2
Thank you!
Luke 17:11-19
Paul Friend

October 10
Our church ministers
Mark 10:32-45
Chris Spracklen

October 16
Our church evangelises
John 28:16-20
John Russell

October 23
Our church disciples
Sorry this talk is unavailable
Ann & Mike Wheeler

October 30
Our church fellowships
Judges 7:1-10
Charlie Collins

November 2 (Wednesday)
Jesus in the Old Testament
John Allan

November 6
Luke 18:9-14
Tim Murray and Reuben Moyler

November 13
He dies
Luke 23:44-56
Derek Burnside

November 20
He’s alive
Luke 24:1-12
Paul Morrish

November 27
The Ascension
Luke 24:41-53
Matt Merriam

December 4
The gift is given
John 1:9-13
John Allan

December 11
Through a woman’s eyes
Luke 1:26-38
Carolyn Fulls

December 18
Through a man’s eyes
Matthew 1:18-25
Mick Cox


January–March 2010

January 3
New Year – new beginning
1 Peter 2:4-10
Mike Wheeler

January 10
Jesus said – don’t waste your life
Mark 8:34-38
Paul Webber

January 17
Jesus said – let your light shine before men
Matthew 5:13-16 and Philippians 2:12-16
Chris Spracklen

January 24
Jesus said – seeing me – seeing you
Matthew 7:1-6

January 31
Jesus said – seeing me – seeing you
Mark 11:25, Ephesians 4:32, Luke 6:37-38, Matthew 6:14-15
Graham Thomson

February 7
Isn’t this where we came in?
Richard Coles

February 14
Jesus said – the greatest words ever spoken
Luke 6:27-36
Philip Luckham

February 28
Good news for everyone
Luke 4:14-21
David Ley
Last few minutes of this talk are missing due to a technical fault!

March 14
A glimpse of the Kingdom
Matthew 20:1-16
Martin Nicholls

March 21
Jesus said – upside down theology
Matthew 9:10-13; 12:1-14
Dick Chammings

March 28
Jesus said – the Lord needs…
Matthew 21:1-11
Jeremy Jackson

April–June 2010

April 4
Isn’t life wonderful?
Matthew 20:17-19; 27:57-28:10
Jeremy Jackson

April 11
Jesus said – first things first
Luke 10:38-42
Carolyn Fulls

April 18
Sharing the journey
Acts 8:26-39
Tim Moyler

April 25
Jesus said – who touched me?
Mark 5:21-43
Graham Thomson

May 2
When God speaks…
John 20:19-23
Paul Friend

May 9
Making a difference (salt and light)
Matthew 5:13-16
Paul Webber

May 16
Jesus said – childlike; the essence of the kingdom
Matthew 18:1-14
Clive Hughes

May 23
Counsellor, teacher, reminder
John 14:15-26
Peter Price

May 30
Jesus said – May no-one ever eat fruit from you again
Mark11:12-14, 19-21
Charlie Collins

June 6
Recipes for life
Exodus 20:1-17
Paul Friend

June 13
Money, money, money!
1 Timothy 6:6-10
Paul Morrish

June 20
Jesus said – How to be last
Mark 9:33-35
Jeremy Jackson

June 27
Jesus said – just say thank you
Luke 17:11-19
Matt Merriam

July–September 2010

July 4
That you may believe
Luke 24:1-12
Chris Spracklen

July 11
Jesus said – There’s a fight on
Luke 22:24-34
Philip Luckham

July 18
Jesus said – Don’t be afraid
Matthew 8:18-27 and John 6:14-21
Dick Chammings

July 25
Jesus said – This is the reason for living
Matthew 28:16-20
Henry Fulls

August 1
Therefore encourage one another
Henry Fulls
Sorry this talk is not available

August 8
Our firm foundation
2 Timothy 1:3-18
Paul Webber

August 15
Don’t get mad – stay even!
Ephesians 4:26 – 5:2
Tim Askew

August 22
Loving church
1 Corinthians 13:1-8
Paul Friend

August 29
Being Church – a brand new experience
Acts 2:42-47
Henry Fulls

September 5
In God we trust…?
Psalm 40:1-5
Carolyn Fulls

September 12
Heaven is…
1 Corinthians 15:42-58
Mick Cox

September 26
Being nearer to God
1 Corinthians 12:12-27
Jeremy Jackson

October–December 2010

October 3
Good news to share
Matthew 22:34-40
David Ley

October 10
Job – when enough’s enough!
Job 1:1, 6-22
Clive Hughes

October 17
Jonah – when you want to run away!
Jonah 1
Graham Thomson

October 24
Jacob – when life catches up with you!
Genesis 32:22-31
Chris Spracklen

October 31
Elijah – when you’ve done your best
1 Kings 19:1-15
Charlie Collins

November 7
What question would you ask?
Luke 20:27-38
Rev Karen Spray

November 14
The suffering church
Revelation 2:8-11
Mick Cox

November 21
Joseph – when temptation’s at your door
Genesis 39
Derek Burnside

November 28
Abraham – when you’re asked for more
Genesis 22:1-19
Paul Morrish

December 5
Just a part…
Matthew 2:1-12
Henry Fulls

December 12
The greatest story ever told or Let the tickled electron make you laugh!
Psalm 33:1-8
Jeremy Jackson

December 19
Glory to God in the highest
Luke 2:8-20
Graham Thomson


January–March 2009

January 4
New Year’s revolutions
Philippians 2:12-16
Chris Spracklen

January 11
Lovin’ it
Philippians 1:1-11
Tim Askew

January 18
Sharing it
Philippians 1:12-24
Kevin Stuckey

January 25
Living it
Philippians 1:25-30
Paul Friend

February 1
Being a Christian in your heart
Matthew 13:18-23
Brad Ringer

February 8
What you know and who you are
Philippians 2:1-11
Dave Sutcliffe

February 15
Watching you – seeing him
Philippians 2:12-18
Henry Fulls

February 22
People needing people
Philiipians 2:19-30
Paul Webber

March 1
Unworthy yet welcome
Luke 7:36-50
Brad Ringer

March 8
Threats and certainty
Philippians 3:1-11
Paul Friend

March 15
Growing on you
Philippians 3:12-21
Philip Luckham

March 22
Make up and wake up
Philippians 4:2-9
Jeremy Jackson
Sorry unavailable

March 29
Christians against poverty
John Graver

April–June 2009

April 5
Close encounters
Luke 19:1-10
Henry Fulls

April 12
Get real about Easter!
Exodus 12:1-13
Paul Friend

April 19
So what!
2 Corinthians 5:14-21
Charlie Collins

April 26
Love one another
Luke 10:25-37
Nigel Timmins

May 3
Which one are you?
Luke 15:11-32
Paul Friend

May 10
Our church – stronger through worship
Psalm 34:1-14
John Russell

May 17
Our church – broader through service
Romans 12:1-8
Clive Hughes

May 24
Our church – larger through evangelism
Matthew 28:16-20 and Acts 1:4-9
Tim Moyler

May 31
Our church – warmer through fellowship
Romans 12:5 and Colossians 3:12-16
Jeremy Jackson

June 7
Do we believe who God is?
John 11:17-27
Paul Friend

June 14
Just being church
Micah 6:6-8 and Amos 5:21-24
Charlie Collins

June 21
The church has left the building!
Mark 6:30-34
Paul Morrish

June 28
Our church – deeper through discipleship
Acts 4:31-37
Mick Cox

July–September 2009

July 5
Who has the power?
Acts 16:16-18
Paul Webber

July 12
God’s big people – Abraham
Hebrews 11:8-19
Dick Chammings

July 19
God’s big people – Isaac
Genesis 22:6-8, 25:19-21 and 26:2-6
Paul Friend

July 26
Nail your colours to the Master
Peter Price

August 2
Jesus says: “Follow me“
Carolyn Fulls

August 9
Following Jesus – making sense of the journey
Acts 8:26-35
Tim Moyler

August 16
Joseph – when life isn’t turning out the way you planned!
Genesis 37:17b-34
John Russell

August 23
Noah – when you wonder if your life really counts
Genesis 6:9-22
Paul Friend

August 30
Moses – when you feel you’re not up to it
Exodus 3:1-7, 10-14; 4:10-13
Henry Fulls

September 6
The hope that God is with us
Exodus 13:17-20; 16:1-5; 17:1-6
Marilyn Fulls

September 13
Jacob – when you struggle with God
Genesis 32:22-31
Philip Luckham

September 20
Esther – when you know you have to act
Esther (various)
Paul Webber

September 27
Samuel – when you begin well
1 Samuel 3:15-21
Paul Friend

October–December 2009

October 4
How we pray
Colossians 1:9-14
Clive Hughes

October 11
The servant girl – one small act can make a big difference
2 Kings 5:1-17
Andy Mulcock

October 18
Joshua – when you have to lead
Joshua 1:1-9
Chris Spracklen

October 25
Gideon – when you’re feeling very small
Judges 6:1-10
Paul Webber

November 1
Walking with God
Various readings included in talk
Jeremy Jackson

November 8
Rebekah – when you want to give and serve generously
Genesis 27:1-13
Dick Chammings

November 15
David – when you are flying
Acts 13:22 and Psalm 27
Kevin Stuckey

November 22
Nehemiah – when it seems there’s no way out
Nehemiah 1:3-11
Paul Morrish

November 29
Job – when everything goes wrong
Job 2:3; 4:7; 9:33-35; 16:19-21; 23:8-9; 42:5-6; Daniel 3:22-27
Matt Merriam

December 6
The unexpected!
Carolyn Fulls

December 13
On the way to the manger
Micah 5:2-4; Luke 2:8-20
Jeremy Jackson

December 20
On the way to the manger
Matthew 2:1-12
Charlie Collins

December 27
A Christmas meditation
Isaiah 40:10-11, 18-19, 25-31
Jeremy Jackson


January–March 2008

January 6
Follow that Star!
Tim Askew

January 13
Faith – to be shared
Brad Ringer

January 20
New day dawning
Henry Fulls

January 27
Called to be church
Jeremy Jackson
Sorry unavailable

February 4
Within the storm
Carolyn Fulls

February 17
Love is all you need…
Graham Thomson

February 24
Preaching as if something’s at stake!
Simon Marshall

March 2
Mothering Sunday
Jeremy Jackson

March 9
Surprised by joy?
Dick Chammings

March 16
Palm Sunday – How much do we need Jesus?
Charlie Collins

March 23
The missing piece
Henry Fulls

March 30
Being church together
Andy Mulcock

April–June 2008

April 6
The greatest text
Chris Spracklen

April 13
Peace like a river
John Russell
Please note: poor quality recording

April 20
Getting on – falling out
Philip Luckham
Please note: first 5 mins missing

April 27
Tearfund talk
Joanna Watson

May 4
First Sunday
Daryl Fulls
Sorry unavailable

May 11
The Holy Spirit in the Church
Jeremy Jackson

May 18
I’m not complaining but…
Clive Hughes

May 25
Changing and transforming
Charlie Collins

June 1
Thinking about heaven
Derek Burnside

June 8
Gentleness – there’s nothing stronger
Paul Morrish

The gospel in a multicultural world
Tim Askew

June 22
Goodness – me!
Jeremy Jackson

June 29
Messy church!
Henry Fulls

July–September 2008

July 6
Image – is it important?
Jeremy Jackson

July 13
Faith – not just hanging on
Dick Chammings

July 20
Old message – new world
John Russell

July 27
What a disiple looks like
Peter Price

August 3
The invitation
Carolyn Fulls

August 10
Meekness – not weakness
Paul Friend

August 17
ICE Project and Self control – steady on
John Prockter

August 24
A crisis of leadership
Jeremy Jackson

August 31
The Church in the world
Charlie Collins

September 7
Why Christians together?
Daryl Fulls

September 14
Prayer – who, why, where, when
Graham Thomson

September 21
Giving – and giving away
2 Corinthians 8:1-12
Philip Luckham

September 28
The best news – ever
John 4:7-30, 39-42
Paul Friend

October–December 2008

October 5
Cleaning up the mess
Psalm 51
Paul Friend

October 12
Just asking: Is the Bible really relevant?
Psalm 119:97-105 and 2 Timothy 3:14-17
Chris Spracklen

October 19
Just asking: Church – do I have to go?
Acts 2:36-47
Jeremy Jackson

October 26
Just asking: do miracles really happen?
Luke 5:17-26
Clive Hughes

November 2
Not available

November 9
Just asking: I’m hurting – does God care?
2 Corinthians 1:1-11
Dick Chammings

November 16
Just asking: I’m good – I’ll go to heaven?
Revelation 21:1-6
Paul Morrish

November 23
Just asking: I’m a Christian – is this the only way?
Acts 17:16-34
Andy Mulcock

November 30
My story – continued
Mark Nicholson

December 7
Nativity presentation
Not available

December 14
Too good to be true?
2 Corinthians 9:6-15
Matt Merriam

December 21
From heaven you came
John 1:1-5, 14
Graham Thomson

December 28
Our God, the servant king
Philippians 2:1-11 and Mark 10:42-45
Jeremy Jackson


April–June 2007

April 29
Daniel – life in the real world
Henry Fulls

May 6
Paul Friend

May 13
Isaiah – Wholly Holy
Philip Luckham

May 20
Nehemiah – No more comfy seats
Jeremy Jackson

May 27
The Holy Spirit
John Russell

June 3
The Missing
Daryl Fulls

June 10
The Good Life – The basis for a life well lived
Paul Morrish

17 June
The Good Life – Real friendship
Simon Marshall

24 June
Coming back to the heart of worship
Paul Friend

July–September 2007

July 1
The Good Life – Church a place to belong
Derek Burnside

July 8
The Good Life – Church a place to belong
Peter Price

July 15
The Good Life – Why I need church
Dick Chammings

July 22
The Good Life – Why I need to protect church
Jeremy Jackson

July 29
The Good Life – Growing up
Tim Askew

August 5
What’s so amazing about Jesus?
Chris Spracklen

August 12
The Good Life – Growing up through truth
Paul Friend

August 19
The Good Life – Growing up through trouble
Henry Fulls

August 26
The Good Life – Growing up through temptation
Graham Thomson

September 2
The Good Life – Our responsibility for service
Paul Friend

September 9
The Good Life – Give me the tools to do the job
Philip Luckham

September 16
The Good Life – It’s how I do it – not just what I do
John Russell

September 23
The Good Life – Mission impossible – hardly!
Tim Askew

September 30
The Good Life – Tell me a story; your story!
Paul Friend

October–December 2007

October 7
Beauty out of dirtiness
Paul Friend

October 14
The Good Life – The world is my parish
Jeremy Jackson

October 21
A life in Christ
Carolyn Fulls

October 24
From Jehovah’s Witness to Christ
Peter and Mally Price

October 28
The secret of contentment
Peter Price

November 4
Flying without wings
Daryl Fulls

November 11
Why remember?
Graham Thomson

November 18
My story
Mark Nicholson

November 25
Why Jesus?
Phil Luckham

December 2
Getting the price tag right
Dick Chammings

December 16
Christmas I – Find the stable
Andy Mulcock

December 23
Christmas II – Sing the song
Jeremy Jackson

December 25
What will you choose?
Paul Friend

December 30
What then will there be for us?
Henry Fulls